We took a greyhound bus to NYC.Shu-juian`s friend lend me her small appartment
where is located near Linycon center.We took subway to time square then spent afternoon in there.had dinner in Friday`s then go to central park.
it is a huge park..we just walked as long as we can....lots of lighting bugs.people jogging,walking dogs there.
2nd day,we took a ferry to the Ellis island where millions people immigrated from other countries to wait there to go into immigration.
Is America a DREAM to go? don`t know yet..but first generation of immigrants have lots of story to tell.I even found Bill`s last name and his mother`s last name on the wall of honor.
They are from russia and portland....
Then we took ferry again to see statue of liberty...
when we back to harbor ,we walked from south to the north through broadway.
We saw trinity church,wall street,world tread center,china town....exhausted.

The third day,we went shopping in NBA store.I bought some t-shirt for morris and some stuff only can be seen in this store.
After a la-men lunch .we went to see feddlder on the roof.I have seen it last summer with Bill.The cast of last year is nicer than this time,but still enjoyable
After the show ,we went home because we had lots of stuff..
took a short nap.....we went to Empire Building......this building makes a lot of money...coke is $3.
We were there until lights on....very pretty.

The fourth day,we went to Medison square where is the head quarter of Knicks.Nee was very excited since she is the NBA fans.
We had a one hour tour so be able to go to palyer`s locker room,suite....

we shopped some clothes for nee.then back to time squre to eat japanses food.we ordered a set.very nice.
After lunch ,we walked to the united nation.then took a bus back home(of course,I asked direction)

We took a shower and went out again for dinner.I saw a japanese restaurant from guild book,so we went....food is excellent but very expensive...but nee is happy.
After dinner,we went to see the other musical "rent" if you like R`roll ,you wuld love it,but we are not that type so ......but an experience.
I think that I am pretty a tour guilde...haha.(to be continued)

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