I came back to Taiwan because I miss my kids VERY MUCH,
even my daughter stayed with me in NJ for 50 days.
WORRY a lot because I am not around
but I found an answer this time,
that`s I should LET GO.
They are great kids that I am proud of being their mom.
They are able to take care of themselves
Let go,let go...and let go.
They are about to have their new lives,
fly to a new destination, fly high and far.
I should feel happy for them.
What can I do?
Only pray for them...safe,healthy and happy.
Happy with the gathering ,
not feel sad for the apart....
Didn`t I always look for the bright side?
Yes,I should keep moving on....
But I still will cry...
for one reason that I love them very much.
Dearest my kids,Fly high and far
don`t forget that my love to you
would not be less because the distance.
Go for it...for you and for me.

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